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Plan J! 2.5 template

Sed et odio libero. Vestibulum aliquet aliquet blandit. Sed non orci ut enim mattis placerat. Enean ultrices massa id magna scelerisque quis accumsan lorem interdum lorem.

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Drawing by hand

Fusce euismod consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit met, consectetuer adipiscing elitelue sed dolor. Aliquam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris...

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Pellentesque sed dolor. Aliquam congue fermentum nisla ris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede mi.

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Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit amet, euismod in, auctor ut, ligula. Aliquam dapibus tincidunt metusra esent...

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Joomla! Overview

If you're new to Web publishing systems, you'll find that Joomla! delivers sophisticated solutions to your online needs. It can deliver a robust enterprise-level Web site, empowered by endless extensibility for your bespoke publishing needs. Moreover, it is often the system of choice for small business or home users who want a professional looking site that's simple to deploy and use. We do content right.

So what's the catch? How much does this system cost?

Well, there's good news ... and more good news! Joomla! 1.5 is free, it is released under an Open Source license - the GNU/General Public License v 2.0. Had you invested in a mainstream, commercial alternative, there'd be nothing but moths left in your wallet and to add new functionality would probably mean taking out a second mortgage each time you wanted something adding!

Joomla! changes all that ...
Joomla! is different from the normal models for content management software. For a start, it's not complicated. Joomla! has been developed for everybody, and anybody can develop it further. It is designed to work (primarily) with other Open Source, free, software such as PHP, MySQL, and Apache.

It is easy to install and administer, and is reliable.

Joomla! doesn't even require the user or administrator of the system to know HTML to operate it once it's up and running.

To get the perfect Web site with all the functionality that you require for your particular application may take additional time and effort, but with the Joomla! Community support that is available and the many Third Party Developers actively creating and releasing new Extensions for the 1.5 platform on an almost daily basis, there is likely to be something out there to meet your needs. Or you could develop your own Extensions and make these available to the rest of the community.

T3 Framework

Integer nec adipiscing nibh dui tellus ivamus leo et eget metus. Amet urna el incidunt pellentesque Praesent lacus convallis urna vel incidunt pellentesque Praesent lacus convallis...

16 Preset Styles

Rhoncus sed. Lectus vitae augue, mauris tincidunt. Ut nec fermentum, dolor vestibulum.

Orange, Blue, Cream, Gray, Teal, Red, Yellow, Green

Multi Menu

Rhoncus sed. Lectus vitae augue, mauris tincidunt. Ut nec fermentum.

What is Joomla 2.5?

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications ...

Pellentesque Praesent lacus convallis...

Resources J! 2.5


OS : Linux J
PHP : 5.2.6-3ubuntu4
MySQL : 5.0.75-0ubuntu10
Time : 03:27
Caching : Disabled
GZIP : Disabled
Members : 4


Condimentum dolor eu magna egestas neque vitae laoreet sed Sed purus. Phasellus Vestibulum velit elit nulla Lorem scelerisque vestibulum. Turpis lobortis Nam velit ac Integer pretium enim natoque tempus mauris. Ut nulla nec sollicitudin est tortor Aenean vel est netus phasellus. More info

Support Center

Eros magna erat ut, id libero pede in a. Quam dolor in nisl eleifend, vestibulum fringilla ultrices sed vivamus.

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